Saturday, March 28, 2015

3/21 The Weimar Republic

Article 19Regarding constitution disputes within a state, where no court is responsible to deal with, as well as in disputes of non-private matter between various states or between a state and the Reich, the Reich state court, at the request of one party, decides in the name of the Reich, unless another Reich court is responsible.
The Reich president executes decisions of the Reich state court.

This article is stating that anytime a conflict within a state regarding the constitution or any public disputes between more than one state or between a state and the Reich, if there isn't a Reich representative available to deal with said issue the Reich state court decides what action will be taken only if one of the two opposing parties request assistance with dealing with the conflict. The President then executes the decision of the Reich State Court.  This shows the power the President has as although the court has rendered a decision, it isn't official until the president finalizes it. 

Article 109All Germans are equal in front of the law.
In principle, men and women have the same rights and obligations.
Legal privileges or disadvantages based on birth or social standing are to be abolished.
Noble titles form part of the name only; noble titles may not be granted any more.
Titles may only be granted, if they indicate an office or occupation; academic degrees are not affected by this regulation.
The state may no more bestow orders and medals.
No German may accept titles or orders from a foreign government.

I interpret article 109 to be stating that as according to the "law" all Germans have the same rights and duties. If there are any advantages or disadvantages or mistreatment Taken place based upon an individual's birth or social status, it must be terminated immediately. Individuals are no longer allowed to carry noble names unless they represent an government official or nod.any special titles acquired through education may be used. Germans are limited to orders and titles within German territory.
This article is similar to the equal rights of the people we have in the U.S. U.S titles are also limited to governmental office and education. 

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